Schmatz Beer Stand: Machida

The half dozen or so German-style craft beers on tap at Schmatz are probably the most interesting brews you'll find in the Grandberry Park shopping mall. This mini-branch of the popular German chain, located in the middle of the "Gathering Market" food hall area, serves an abbreviated menu of German sausages and hot dogs, beef and pork burgers, and beer, wine, cocktails and soft drinks. Beers start at Y600 and hot dogs are Y750.

Schmatz Beer Stand
Machida-shi, Tsuruma 3-4-1, Grandberry Park Gathering Market.
東京都町田市鶴間3-4-1 グランベリーパーク 1F
Open 10am-7:45pm (LO; Fri-Sun -8:45pm) daily.

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